Hope Universe–Our Brand Is Hope

Learn to Become More Hopeful Through the Practice of Hopeology

The Practice of Hopeology is a self-help empowerment product that employs practices of thinking and behavior to help one become more hopeful and share hope with others. It is practical in nature and easily adapted to accommodate one’s lifestyle and beliefs. The Practice of Hopeology utilizes components of social, spiritual, and educational models, and it consists of powerful, practical concepts that will enable you to wrap your head, hands, and heart around hope. I truly believe that if each person does these things and helps others to do them, the world will be a better place. The Practice of Hopeology advocates for hope as a way of thinking and living. When you embrace the Practice of Hopeology you can become more hopeful and spread hope to others. I believe that together we can change the world through hope.

The Practice of Hopeology is not a theory it is having a mindset and behaviors to promote hope. It is a way of living and being. It is not counseling, and we refer people to appropriate resources as needed. It is meant to come alongside a person as a part of health and wellness emotionally, spiritually, and physically. It can be likened to an herbal supplement. It is not a cure all, it is an enhancement to one’s life.

The best way to understand and experience the Practice of Hopeology is by attending and participating in a Hope Immersion Retreat Workshop in person.

Hope Immersion Retreat (HIR) Workshops are Available.

We encourage everyone to schedule a Hope Immersion Retreat Workshop in person in small groups, or virtually. During Hope Immersion Retreat Workshops Hopeologist Dr. Rosalind Tompkins teaches the practical principles of the Practice of Hopeology. Learn how to become more hopeful and release the power of hope to others. Contact Mothers In Crisis to schedule a HIR Workshop by calling (850) 222-7705 or email mothersinc@aol.com.

  • Take a Hope Break. Schedule five minute “hope breaks” into your normal routine. Find a quiet place, take five to 10 deep breaths, and think about good things happening, instead of the worst-case scenario. Make an affirmation and speak it out loud. Repeat as often as needed.
  • Take Action. Set goals and move forward, focusing on results. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and your progress.
  • Spread Hope to your community by giving time, food, and money to those in need. Whether you clean up a local park, read to children in schools or volunteer in a food pantry, you’ll be spreading hope to those who need it, which can help you feel more hopeful too.
  • Have a Chat. Is there someone in your life who needs hope? Prepare yourself for a conversation with that person by turning on your own belief that things can get better. Start the conversation with something like, “I care about you and wanted to check in with you to see how things are going.” Ask them to share what they are going through and be prepared to listen. Let them know that you are there for them and reinforce feelings of hope.
  • Get Involved. Join the Mothers In Crisis Hope Pass It On Campaign, Host a Hope Immersion Retreat, or Become a Citizen of Hope. While despairing often comes naturally in times of personal and public crisis, consider empowering yourself to move forward by adopting a hopeful attitude.

Mothers In Crisis encourages everyone to Think and Imagine Hope. By that we mean look for hope in every challenging situation.  When you “think hope” you can find solutions.
You can train your brain to Think Hope: Watch out for negative self-talk and begin to train your brain to think through negative thoughts. Remember it’s not the first thought but the second thought that matters. Read, listen to, and watch positive things that will build you up and not tear you down.

  • Schedule breaks into your normal routine in five-minute increments
  • Find a quiet place
  • Take five to ten deep breaths
  • Think about good things happening, instead of the worst-case scenario think of the best-case scenario, think about all the great things that can and will happen!
  • Make an affirmation and speak it out loud, example (I will be okay) (Things are going to be alright)
  • Repeat as often as needed

In addition, have Hope Chats:

*The Seven steps to having Hope Chats:  Identify, Prepare, Go, Listen, Encourage, Empower & Wrap-Up

1. Identify Someone Who Needs Hope

2. Prepare yourself for the Conversation

  • Turn on your belief that things can get better
  • Put on your unconditional love

3. Go to them and look them in the eyes and say something like, “I care about you and wanted to check in with you to see how things are going.”

4. As they share listen to them with a ”hope” face (warm, non-judgmental, inviting)

5. After they are finished sharing encourage with, “I can understand why you might see things that way.”  Then ask them, “Deep down, what do you want most?”

6. After listening to their answers empower with, “I have an idea, may I share it with you?”

7. Wrap-up with, “Just know that I am here for you and I believe that things are going to get better because remember, as long as there Is breath in your body, there is hope.”

Have a Hope Chat & Tell Us About It!   (850) 222-7705 or email mothersinc@aol.com.

Through the efforts of Mothers In Crisis, the National Day Calendar designated April as the National Month of Hope. National Day Calendar

In April 2016 in honor of Mothers In Crisis 25th anniversary, MIC received proclamations from the City and County designating every Friday as Hope Universe Day.  On Hope Fridays, share hope and help with those in need.

Ways to Celebrate Hope:

  •         Encourage family, friends, co-workers, and colleagues
  •         Give time, food, and money to help families in need
  •         Minister to those incarcerated by writing letters and visiting
  •         Post on social media words of hope with Hash-tag #hopeuniverseday
  •         Share your testimony of overcoming and going through hard times
  •         Volunteer by reading to children in schools
  •         Smile and hug someone and say “Happy Hope Universe Day!”
  •         Clean up areas where there is trash such as parks and neighborhoods

How can I find hope?  By becoming a Citizen of Hope Today! Just Click the link and Sign-Up: CITIZENSHIP OF HOPE UNIVERSE


1 thought on “Learn to Become More Hopeful Through the Practice of Hopeology”

  1. Hi, I’m Angela L. Dowdy a freelance writer in Tallahassee. I am interested in the Hope workshop. Also, would love to schedule an appointment to Interview Dr. Thompkins for my small website, embracesouthernstates.com … ANY reply is deeply appreciated. Thank you.

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